Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Olivia - 7 Months - Children's Photography

Little miss Olivia is getting SO BIG! I love all the faces she makes and what a little personality she has. We had a pretty windy day at the beach but just around 6 it was beautiful!!


No better way to make a baby girl happy than to start with some peas!

What a beach BABE! Olivia and her mama!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Nathan - Newborn Photography

I am so happy to introduce Nathan! Katie and I went to high school together and it was so nice to hear from her and catch up. She has started a beautiful family with her husband, Dave, and now Nathan.

Hope you enjoy!


Love this family shot! 
How gorgeous is Katie?!

 Oh so pensive...

 Nathan's lovely grandparents.

And it's only fair that the pup gets some of the spotlight ;)